Jerry Lawson album ‘Just a Mortal Man’ out now

An album seemingly four decades in the making, ‘Just a Mortal Man’ is something of a low key musical milestone. With a global career as a member of The Persuasions and Talk of the Town, Jerry Lawson had released a total of 22 albums until this past Monday, but never as a solo performer.

And now, this much loved artist has released his first album under his own name – and a great album it is too.

Warm and welcoming as a cup of tea after a winter’s day (hard to imagine in the current weather…), the album is a genuine treat. 13 tracks of such great class, full with the experience and gravitas only a lifetime on the stage can really bring.

From the bluesy opening of ‘Peace Like A River’ to the stripped back acoustic shuffle of ‘I’ll Come Running Back To You’ at the close, it simply oozes charm. If you’re looking for a comparison, think a raspier, even more relaxing Michael Kiwanuka.